lubcha132: ok so there's this guy that was born without ears
lubcha132: don't stop me if you've heard this one
lubcha132: and all his life he struggled to fit in
lubcha132: he goes to school , gets into a good college and ends up the president of a major company
lubcha132: but he still remains sensitive about the ear situation
lubcha132: so one day he's seeing people applying for jobs at his company
lubcha132: the first guy walks in
lubcha132: he's got excellent credentials, good resume, everything goes smooth
lubcha132: then the guy asks him "do you notice anything odd about me?"
PintoLover88: how does he hear if he doesnt have ears?
lubcha132: the applicant doesn't want to say anything so he politely says "well, no"
lubcha132: (the holes are there, kate)
lubcha132: so the president says "no seriously, be honest"
lubcha132: "well, you have no ears"
lubcha132: a 2nd applicant comes in
lubcha132: she has even better credentials than the first guy
lubcha132: and its a girl
lubcha132: (matt made that clear when he told me this joke)
lubcha132: same thing, it goes smooth until he asks her about "anything strange"
lubcha132: and once again at first she says no, but then she admits it and he kicks her out
lubcha132: so a third guy comes into the office
lubcha132: the best credentials out of all 3, the meeting goes perfectly
lubcha132: the prez says "you got the job, but first let me ask you, do you notice anything strange about me"
lubcha132: the guy thinks for a minute and says "yeah, you wear contacts"
lubcha132: the president was shocked- "how did you know i wear contacts"
lubcha132: --suspense builder--
PintoLover88: dun dun dun
lubcha132: so the applicant says "because you can't wear glasses because you don't have any f**kin ears!!!"