
Red Sox + Anti-Kerry + Keeping Quiet (usually) on Politics = A Home Run (or a perfect game in this case)

"The pitcher [Curt Schilling] endorsed Bush in a TV interview Thursday, a day after the Red Sox won the franchise's first World Series championship in 86 years.

The e-mail said Schilling [author of the e-mail, click title for full story] should have kept his opinion to himself.

``While I am a Bush supporter, and I did vote for him with an absentee ballot, speaking as I did the other day was wrong. While I hope to see him re-elected, it's not my place, nor the time for me to offer up my political opinions unsolicited,'' the e-mail read. "


Oh, Thank Heaven

[click title for full article]

Saginaw-based Garb-Ko pays the $711 bonus to any employee giving birth to a 7-pound, 11-ounce baby. It operates 90 stores in Michigan, nine in Indiana and eight in Ohio.

Kappen, 22, of Bay City, said she hoped to use some of the gift money to open a bank account for Parker and pay some bills with the rest.

[contrast to story of woman getting head tattooed and her use of money...NOW]

Recognizing Human Behavio(u)r

Lubcha132: when [name removed due to lack of importance] told me he used my name in the conversation
Lubcha132: that's how i knew it was serious
Lubcha132: and he also said he was serious

Government Secrets (and Laundry tips)

Lubcha132: oh shrek
Lubcha132: i forgot to wash my sweatshirt
TUXEDO9: u dont have to wash sweatshirts
TUXEDO9: its not like u sweat in them
Lubcha132: its symbolic
Lubcha132: they don't really need to change the guards at the tomb of the unknown soldier, they do it b/c its symbolic


I am not the only one!!

(click link for full article)

"To me, the Yankees represent egotism and arrogance. They have won dozens of World Series titles. They always seem to get the best players by shelling out the most money, and then psyche out the other team with their mystique.

God doesn't like conceit and arrogance."


A Rare Treat

Lubcha132: snew
dNA sk8er90: snew?
Lubcha132: yeah
Lubcha132: snew
dNA sk8er90: ?
Lubcha132: what?
dNA sk8er90: wwhats snew
Lubcha132: not much, what snew with you
dNA sk8er90: oooooooo
Lubcha132: you do not understand how hard it is to pull that off
dNA sk8er90: lol

50 Sq. Pixels is not enough to convey a message easily

Lubcha132: what's the red thing they're hitting
Lubcha132: ohhh

9 cents?! how could i lose?!

eBay item 5131747654 (Ends Oct-23-04 21:05:50 PDT) - nothing for sale


Chezkas Habayis in today's world

"A woman came home from vacation to find a stranger living there, wearing her clothes, changing utilities into her name and even ripping out carpet and repainting a room she didn't like, authorities said.
Douglas County authorities say they can't explain why Beverly Valentine, 54, broke into an empty home and started acting like it was her own.
During the 2 1/2 weeks the owner, Beverly Mitchell, was on vacation in Greece, Valentine allegedly redecorated the ranch home, ripping up carpet and taking down the owner's pictures and replacing them with her own. "


Thursday night B'Iyun

Lubcha132: ok laundry/mishmar
KrazyRaizy: have fun
Lubcha132: rashi: lav davka mishmar
Lubcha132: tos': mishmar does not have a set time [kasha on Rashi]
KrazyRaizy: got it
Lubcha132: r' chaim: there are 2 types of mishmar
Lubcha132: a set program
Lubcha132: or an extension of an independent night seder by an individual
KrazyRaizy: cool
Lubcha132: the ritva: tos' explains that mishmar does not have a set time, but we see in many places it is on thursday night
KrazyRaizy: so ive noticed
Lubcha132: rather, it does not have a set hour
Lubcha132: but the day is usually the same


Yeah...I'm out of Pringles

"An Oregon man discovered earlier this month that his year-old Toshiba Corp. flat-screen TV was emitting an international distress signal picked up by a satellite, leading a search and rescue operation to his apartment in Corvallis, Oregon, 70 miles south of Portland. ":


15th Century Humor

Y2JRVDCGIHHH10: i thought u would have explored the site
Lubcha132: what business do i have exploring
Lubcha132: i'm not portugese


Don't let this land be their land..


To my dear readers who are yankee fans

"Your" team may win games, but you are still a loser.

A Tale of Bifurcation..age

YONKERS, N.Y. - Commuters waiting for a train to the northern suburbs of New York City were surprised to see a boa constrictor lying on the railroad tracks, but the snake didn't block the rails for long.

Passengers in Yonkers saw the 10-foot snake curled up on the tracks Tuesday evening.

A few minutes later, while police debated what to do, a train rumbled into the station and "bifurcated the reptilian trespasser," said Dan Brucker, a spokesman for the Metro-North rail line.


Trust me when i say something

Lubcha132: anyway
ultimatesoad22: dot dot dot
Lubcha132: diaresis
ultimatesoad22: u should take pepto bismol
Lubcha132: you idiot
ultimatesoad22: ok u kan go poop urself idc
ultimatesoad22: nd i happdne to be quite the smart person
Lubcha132: i disagree
ultimatesoad22: toushe [no pun intended?]
Lubcha132: touche'
ultimatesoad22: yea
Lubcha132: diaresis is what u call the 3 dots
[CORRECTION: the diaresis is another name for an umlaut...the three dots just shown is called ellipses]
Lubcha132: the ...
ultimatesoad22: oooooo
ultimatesoad22: haha i am an idiot
ultimatesoad22: i see where your coming from


The Truth Eminates

How to Scare Grandparents


Singergurl187: nah...i dont think u could...i think u would feel badly and not do it in the end
Lubcha132: oh then i will do it to spite you
Singergurl187: and having said that, im sure ur going to go do it
Lubcha132: lol


One of the better blogs on the internet

Mount St. Helens watch :: spokesmanreview.com

Why Liberals (Fueled by Incompetence, Immorality, And Michael "Fat Bag" Moore) Should be Destroyed

BEDFORD, Ind. - Kerra Fowler is a mother of four who decided to wear her opposition to President Bush (news - web sites) on the back of her head. She offered up on eBay her shaved skull [editor's note: should have been detached] for an anti-Bush message and received a tattoo of a large W, complete with a cowboy hat, with a red slash across it after a sympathetic buyer bid $103.50.

Fowler, 29, said she placed her eBay advertisement with an opening bid of one penny after seeing two others offering to sell space on their heads for tattoos backing Democratic candidate John Kerry

"One wanted 10 grand and the other, $30,000," she told The Herald-Times of Bloomington for a story Tuesday. "So I thought, that isn't right, to say you believe in something and then charge $30,000. I thought that was audacious."
[e.n.: i think that was stupid..and so is this]

Fowler said the winning eBay bidder asked her not to get the tattoo. But she went through with it after she and her husband, Jeremy, came up with the design with a tattoo artist in Bedford, some 20 miles south of Bloomington.

Fowler did accept the money, gave half to the tattoo artist and used the rest to buy beer, pay part of a bill and buy a gift for her children.

(click title for full article...even though this is the full article)

When she decides to get it removed may i suggest a jackhammer?


while we're on the subject...

Lubcha132: sup
xxxxxxxxxxxx22: knt tlk lol
Lubcha132: can't type either

No, you can't find EVERYTHING on the internet

BERRY87: i searched for wombat feces, poopy, doody, excrement...no results
BERRY87: oh, and i searched for wombat anus


Know Your Chassidim/Boro Park

Lubcha132: boro park is a different story
Lubcha132: bobov, munkacz, pupa, satmar, klausenberg
Lubcha132: rachmastrivka
Lubcha132: novominsk
[editor's note: if i left any out PLEASE TELL ME..i know i forgot one at least...]
Bling2xx: never heard of those
Lubcha132: bobov is the big one
Lubcha132: munkacz is the late one
Lubcha132: satmar is the minyan factory, overly-stereotyped, not as anti-israel as the world thinks one
Lubcha132: novominsk is the more yeshivish than chassidish one
Lubcha132: klausenberg is the Rebbe got his family wiped out in the war and became a pillar of strength in the DP camps...one
Lubcha132: and rachmastrivka i don't know much about
[Pupa is the shul/bais medrash next to the D train one]