«you've had some crazy conversations of your own» - the shins
Gmail Contest!!
Who wants a gmail account?
Here's how to get a chance to win your own gmail account (1GB of email storage and so much more):
Leave a comment to this post about why I should give it you you
if you IM me about it you will be out of the running
Good luck/????!!!
Why everything has a name
Lubcha132: what's a store that i can get one of those poofy things that make foam from soap in the shower
A thought to ponder
if it is true that most house dust is made from human skin, how do things that are left in attics or basements etc. and not touched for years become dusty? where are they coming in contact with shedded skin particles?
DEAR ABBY: I am 13 and live in a small town. I need to know something: Is boredom normal? I got up one morning and realized how bored I am. I don't mean bored with nothing to do. I am bored with myself and my daily routine.
(click the title for the full article its at the bottom)

DynamiteDG: have u ever seen encino man?
Lubcha132: nein
Lubcha132: Estonia
Lubcha132: estonia has a rockin' flag (see above)
Lubcha132: flag
DynamiteDG: o...well they mention estonia in that movie
DynamiteDG: ya
DynamiteDG: u would enjoy that movie
Lubcha132: ó
Lubcha132: yeah i'm a huge fan of estonia
DynamiteDG: so go see it
hey baby
DynamiteDG: were u...distracted by a shiny object?
DynamiteDG: cuz i was
Lubcha132: no
Lubcha132: is that a pickup line
DynamiteDG: do u want it to be a pickup line?
a stirah
PacosPizza86: i just thought you were refearing to yourself in 3rd person
Lubcha132: no josh doesn't do that he thinks it stupid
terrible, terrible joke
(edited for clarity)
anonymous: i saw the ethiopian plane this morning
anonymous:i thought that you could fit 1500 of them in it b/c they're so thin
book binding
I have started dabbling in the field of binding books, so if you are interested in having something bound by an amateur i'll do it cheap
RSS/Site Feed
if you have a My Yahoo page or something that supports RSS things you can stay on top of everything that goes on here..here's the site feed URL
Lubcha132: this is unacceptable
GilMStein: what is??
Lubcha132: zimbabwe has more medals than denmark
GilMStein: damm, no way
Lubcha132: honest
GilMStein: are you sure
Lubcha132: the olympics are the only place that denmark and mongolia would be tied for something
Lubcha132: i'm looking at the results now
GilMStein: your crazy
Lubcha132: canada is also tied with them
(as of today, canada, denmark and mongolia each have one bronze medal, and zimbabwe has a silver and a bronze)

Good Yob!
Encouraging Norwegians
(click on the thing that says EN TV or WATCH THE TV SPOTS...they're all funny but that one is on the 2nd page i believe..but watch them all)
Raziel HaMalach to the Rescue!
Anonymous: you mention this to anyone i burn your house down even though i dont know where you live
olympic fever
Lubcha132: mongolia is in the medals standings
Lubcha132: with one bronze
Drums87: good
Lubcha132: i know i'm so happy
Drums87: sorry i just can't lie to you, i don't really care
I tied the minesweeper record

Lubcha132: i know i mean 4 seconds is fast
Kitkatcrazy667: what else can u do in 4 seconds
Lubcha132: go from my chair to the bed and back
Kitkatcrazy667: lol
Lubcha132: yeah i just timed it
Kitkatcrazy667: i thought so
Kitkatcrazy667: i pictured u doing that
Lubcha132: i didn't even go so fast
Kitkatcrazy667: well is ur bed close to ur chair
Lubcha132: its about 2 seconds away
Lubcha132: lol
Kitkatcrazy667: there u go
hypothetical question?
KrazyRaizy: whats the worst that can happen
Lubcha132: a satellite re-enters the atmosphere and lands on my room killing me and burning down the house
Not for sensitive viewers
(context: someone outside of this conversation has a certain fear...feel free to skip this post if you have a weak constitution or bill of rights...you have been warned)
Singergurl187: lol..shes gunna have nightmares for a week
Lubcha132: l;ol
Lubcha132: {scroll down to see all the horrors}
Lubcha132: the top one might kill her
Singergurl187: lol
Singergurl187: im so decoratin the whole thing with it
Singergurl187: im sucha great friend
Lubcha132:{oh, the horror}
Singergurl187: holy cranberries
Singergurl187: that thing scared me..and i like {horrifying things}
Lubcha132: {the humanity!!}
Singergurl187: omg
Singergurl187: thats hilarious
Singergurl187: that is going in the scrapbook
Travel Agent
Fun with Orbitz
Newark to Tel Aviv:
El Al 0028 (EWR-TLV 4/21/05)
El Al 0027 (TLV-EWR 5/3/05)
= $5515 per person
El Al 0028 (EWR-TLV 4/21/05)
=$2751 per person (one way)
(pay attention this is where it gets interesting)
Delta 8986 "operated by El Al Israel -- LY (El Al's airline code) 0028" (EWR-TLV 4/21/05)
Delta 8985 "operated by El Al Israel -- LY 0027 (TLV-EWR 5/3/05)
= $986 per person
Delta 8986 "operated by El Al Israel -- LY 0028" (EWR-TLV 4/21/05)
= $787 per person (one way)
These two options happen to be the cheapest and the most expensive* options shown (I will not say which is which).
*there happens to be a three-airline option (Virgin, El Al, Swiss) for some dates that is in the $5600s
the plot thickens...
Kitkatcrazy667: it cant be $5515 per person with elal
Lubcha132: so says orbitz
Kitkatcrazy667: they r wrong
Kitkatcrazy667: its like, $1000 round trip
Lubcha132: not if you book it from there
Lubcha132: you're right
Lubcha132: its not $5515 on the el al site
Lubcha132: its $5428
Lubcha132: LOL
Kitkatcrazy667: i dont understand then how everyone gets it for 1000 or so
Lubcha132: they book delta
Lubcha132: lol
pun ishment
Lubcha132: Just five years ago, Tarnowski was found to have sheltered hundreds of living and frozen rabbits.
Rbb2k3: thats a bit weir
Rbb2k3: d
Lubcha132: a rab bit weird
Quick! what's the number for...
Lubcha132: remember i'm, home so i can come to your house and pop your kneecaps
Lubcha132: when its convenient for you of course
Rbb2k3: remember, i have a cell fone, at all times, with my finger on the call button for 991
Rbb2k3: and an asylum 4 u
Rbb2k3: lol
Lubcha132: ahhahaha you can call 991 all you want
more cold blooded
Lubcha132: u need to get out more
Lubcha132: do they ever let you run around the backyard?
Lubcha132: coooooooolllllld bloooooded (RIP rick james)
Rbb2k3: im warm blooded stupid
Lubcha132: you're both
Rbb2k3: right
Lubcha132: warm blooded and stupid
From tragedy comes...
DynamiteDG: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5580990/
Lubcha132: that's horrible lol
DynamiteDG: lol
DynamiteDG: its so funny
DynamiteDG: i figured its something u owuld send out to friends so i sent it to u
Lubcha132: LOL