BEDFORD, Ind. - Kerra Fowler is a
mother of four who decided to wear her opposition to President Bush (news - web sites) on the back of her head. She offered up on eBay her shaved skull [editor's note: should have been detached] for an anti-Bush message and received a tattoo of a large W, complete with a cowboy hat, with a red slash across it after a sympathetic buyer bid
Fowler, 29, said she placed her eBay advertisement with an opening bid of one penny after seeing two others offering to sell space on their heads for tattoos backing Democratic candidate John Kerry
"One wanted 10 grand and the other, $30,000," she told The Herald-Times of Bloomington for a story Tuesday. "
So I thought, that isn't right, to say you believe in something and then charge $30,000. I thought that was audacious."
[e.n.: i think that was stupid..and so is this]
Fowler said
the winning eBay bidder asked her not to get the tattoo. But she went through with it after she and her husband, Jeremy, came up with the design with a tattoo artist in Bedford, some 20 miles south of Bloomington.
Fowler did accept the money, gave half to the tattoo artist and
used the rest to buy beer, pay part of a bill and buy a gift for her children.
(click title for full article...even though this is the full article)
When she decides to get it removed may i suggest a jackhammer?