
Everyday Heroes

BERRY87: i put out a fire today
BERRY87: with my dad
BERRY87: we saw a car on fire and we put it out with 8 bottles of poland spring



Posted by Hello
Lubcha132: elephants are the pumpkin's natural enemy
dNA sk8er90: are yo serios
Lubcha132: no
dNA sk8er90: o i actually belvied you
dNA sk8er90: lol
Lubcha132: i know


What i learned in SSSB

From my Management textbook (p112)

"Few people actually behave rationally."

yes, that's exactly what it means...

Lubcha132: fumigate
dNA sk8er90: whats that
Lubcha132: Dictionary.com/fumigate
dNA sk8er90: oh, to make like, fumy
dNA sk8er90: like full of fumes



Lubcha132: i think i can bring you up to a 4th grade level in no time
anonymous: hahah
anonymous: fourth grade
anonymous: i can spell better then a fourth grader
Lubcha132: what's your father's nationality
anonymous: isrealy
anonymous: wait
anonymous: Israely
anonymous: is that right
anonymous: idk
Lubcha132: i can only hang my head in shame


I'd like to buy a vowel...

Lubcha132: llll
Lubcha132: with an o in there
nutmegrxxs: HHHHH
nutmegrxxs: with an a there
nutmegrxxs: or more


A good Moshul

Lubcha132: is he dead yet
KrazyRaizy: i dont think so
Lubcha132: i think the administering angels are clearing out room in Gehinnom and they're not done re-locating the poshei yisroel
KrazyRaizy: lol
Lubcha132: its like when they clear the tables out of the bais medrash to put more chairs in


Thank You SSSB

BERRY87: mountain dew or crab juice...
BERRY87: eww i'll take the crab juice
Lubcha132: its [City of NY vs. Homer Simspon] a good one, i like tokyo more tho
BERRY87: i can't believe pepsi didn't rip them to shreds over thaht
Lubcha132: its a joke
BERRY87: still
Lubcha132: nu nu
Lubcha132: good advertising
Lubcha132: if mountain dew is good enough to be sold in a khlav kalash stand in NYC [or even mention on the simpsons]
Lubcha132: its good enough for our suburban kitchen table
Lubcha132: i'm taking a marketing class so i can say things like that