A "striking" story (well almost)
Lubcha132: i just realized something
Lubcha132: about that shelf collapse i mentioned?
Lubcha132: one of my shelves collapsed today
DeLa8229: how?
DeLa8229: in ur room,?
Lubcha132: yeah right over my computer
Lubcha132: which meant right over my head
Lubcha132: which meant i got knocked off my chair
Lubcha132: lol
Lubcha132: it was horrible
Lubcha132: : cuz i was on the phone and everything
DeLa8229: oh wow
DeLa8229: that is horrible
DeLa8229: are u ok?
Lubcha132: : ye
DeLa8229: howd it happen?
Lubcha132: : ah
Lubcha132: : i have no idea i haven't touched that in weeks
DeLa8229: thats soo weirdd
Lubcha132: : i know
Lubcha132: : so i'm on the phone acting like nothing happened
Lubcha132: : while i'm picking up myself my keyboard and seforim
DeLa8229: oyyy
Lubcha132: : my parents come in and start screaming what happeend etc etc
DeLa8229: how u manage that one
Lubcha132: : and that i had to clean up
Lubcha132: : i was about to scream
DeLa8229: yea...
Lubcha132: there were 3 bowling pins on the shelf
Lubcha132: and i didn't get hit by any of them
DeLa8229: ouchhh
DeLa8229: wow
Lubcha132: nor did my monitor
DeLa8229: wow
DeLa8229: wow
DeLa8229: lol
DeLa8229: B'H!!!
Lubcha132: lol it would have been a fun story tho
Lubcha132: i probably wouldn't remember
DeLa8229: lol yeahh nor would ur computer
Lubcha132: and i would have for sure had to interrupt my phone conversation which would have been rude
DeLa8229: lol quite rude indeed