
GI John

Bloomington, Ill. — On a toilet repair call, Michael Woggon found that a 3-year-old boy had apparently been trying to train his G.I. Joes for deep-water rescues. When they didn't return, he began sending Matchbox cars after them. Woggon reported recovering 15 toys from the pipes.

I know, I know

Y2JRVDCGIHHH10: r u gonna make another blog thing?
Lubcha132: eventually


Somebody get a biological cleanup kit...

...cause I'm spilling my guts.

Well... its very hard for me to get past that first word. I'm shipping out for Yeshiva (Shor Yashuv in Lawrence [but everyone still says Far Rockaway]) Friday. I don't know how much time I will have to be online because BH I am taking this year to learn full time. That means there will be less time for strange AIM conversations about everything from outlets to baked goods, and less time for strange news articles (but you can see them on Yahoo News...just click on Odd News).

Don't worry...I'm not closing up shop for good...and there will always be the archives for you to enjoy (even I flip through them once in a while...ah memories...)...but for the occasional person who mentions "you haven't posted in a while", this is why.

On a more serious note, and this is the difficult part for me- I just want to thank all of my friends, not only for providing material for the blog, but just for being my friends. The last year and change has been very complicated for me, and were it not for all of my friends who were with me I don't know what I would have done. Whether you realize it or not, you have all helped me in some way...even if it was just making me smile or taking my mind off of things by talking online or helping me go over about 1000 texts (on a 2500 txt plan...that was last month but I've done it before also)...I am really grateful for all of the people in my life.

I don't really want to lose this/Does it all depend on you?

Even though I am going away I do not want to lose touch with ANYONE. This year is going to be a major change for me and I feel better about it and even about myself knowing I have so many people behind me who are here and who support me. There were a lot of times within the last 12 months that I was down or felt like giving in, but you all helped me pull through, and I am indebted to you.

My e-mail address is lubcha132@gmail.com, and if you want my cell # just ask around for it (gmail filters well I don't know about verizon's filtering) if you want to give me a call or drop me a text (I might not answer immediately but I will do my best to get back to you ASAP)

I will be home again in a little over a month, so that will be the next projected blog window.

Thanks for everything...its been (and still is) one heck of a ride :)

You've come a long way, baby
-Fatboy Slim


PS: It wouldn't be the same without one of these:



Band Jokes (2 of them)

Lubcha132: used to play trombone
Singergurl187: WOW...thats heavy
Singergurl187: literally
Lubcha132: no pun intended
Singergurl187: i was gunna take up flute when i quit violin and guitar ...but i had braces
Lubcha132: ó
Singergurl187: so it didnt mesh so well
Lubcha132: also no pun intended


Speechless (i fail to think of an appropriate pun...its that serious)

Lubcha132: i also like those sandwich cookies
faith in Rache(11:32:53 PM): I like those cookies with the jelly in the middle that are sandwiched together and half-dipped in chocolate with sprinkles.
Lubcha132(11:32:54 PM): you know the half dipped ones with the stuff in the middle
Lubcha132: OMG
Lubcha132: OMG OMG OMG
faith in Rache: :-O
Lubcha132: holy moly
Lubcha132: i'm speechless
faith in Rache: My mouth is agape. Is yours?
faith in Rache: :-O
Lubcha132: it is!
faith in Rache: :-O
Lubcha132: i cannot lie
faith in Rache: :-O